Initiatives > Governance Ver todos >

Mudança de paradigma, por territórios justos, democráticos e sustentáveis: Pela reforma urbana e agrária, agora!
May 27 2012
A paradigm shift for just, democratic and sustainable territories Many popular movements and civil society networks are taking up the challenge of building a model for sustainable urban society and ... By International Alliance of Inhabitants
Draft Zero alternatif pour la Conférence Rio+20
May 22 2012
Alternative Zero Draft for the Rio+20 Conference The aim of this draft is to propose a coherent vision on the major stakes of this Conference and to allow questioning the current ... By Forum of Ethics and Responsibilities
Rio+20 and the Green Economy: the need for a new paradigm
May 01 2012
Rio+20 and the Green Economy: the need for a new paradigm This seminar will focus on the need to develop alternative paradigms and development strategies capable of ensuring a decent life for ... By Trust for community outreach and education
La ‘Madre Tierra’ apareció en el texto de negociación de Río+20
April 25 2012
‘Mother Earth’ has appeared in the Rio+20 negotiation text Last night the G77 proposed language referencing Mother Earth and the interdependence between Human Beings, other living species ... By Anil NaidooCouncil of CanadiansPaul Quintos

Proposals > Governance Ver todos >

Bienes comunes: Un marco y un caleidoscopio de prácticas sociales para otro mundo posible
June 09 2012
The Commons: a Framework and a Caleidoscop of Social Practices for Another World Commons are social practices of commoning, of acting together, based on principles of sharing, stewarding, and producing in common. By Silke HelfrichThematic Group on CommonsThematic Social Forum
Hacia el futuro que queremos: erradicación del hambre y transición a sistemas agrícolas y alimentarios sostenibles
June 02 2012
End hunger and make the transition to sustainable agricultural and food systems The transition to a sustainable future requires fundamental changes in the governance of food and agriculture and an equitable ... By FAO
People's sustainability treaties: an alternative pathway for a sustainable transition
June 01 2012
People’s sustainability treaties: an alternative pathway for a ... The Peoples’ Sustainability Treaties initiative aims to develop collective outcomes for a sustainable future and to strengthen ... By People's Sustainability Treaties
Repensar y construir una Nueva Gobernanza Mundial
May 14 2012
Rethinking and changing world governance The key questions that could guide us are: What are the alternatives for building a new governance architecture? How do we create them? By Cândido GrzybowskiForum for a New World GovernanceGustavo MarinRicardo Jimenez

Documents > Governance Ver todos >

Os bens comuns modelo de gestão dos recursos naturais
July 16 2012
Commons a model for managing natural resources The world has become so interdependent in so many ways that it is no longer enough to address problems solely on a local scale. ... By Confederation of Resources for Global Democracy
A Post Rio+20 World: Planning Our Own Sustainable Futures after a Summit that Promised Nothing!
July 14 2012
A Post Rio+20 World: Planning Our Own Sustainable Futures after a Summit ... We as citizens of the world are now left to look after our own sustainable futures. Advancing global citizen’s movement to ... By Rights for Sustainability InitiativeUchita de Zoysa
Financial and social sustainability are as vital as environmental sustainability
July 13 2012
Financial and social sustainability are as vital as environmental sustainability Financial sustainability is as vital as environmental sustainability. And after all what happened in 2011 around the ... By Robert BissioSocial Watch
The ‘Bubbling Up’ of Subterranean Politics in Europe
July 01 2012
The ‘Bubbling Up’ of Subterranean Politics in Europe This is one of those rare moments in history when subterranean politics ‘bubbles up’ to the surface. What we mean by ... By London School of Economics and Political Science

Eventos > Governance Ver todos >

February 03 2012
Go sustainable, be responsible! European civil society on the road to Rio+20 The EESC conference will focus on the green economy as a means to enhance sustainable development within the limits of ... By European Economic and Social Commitee
February 03 2012
Sustainable Mountain Development in the context of Rio+20 The event aims to generate a dialogue for coercive action and strategy to present an equivocal voice during Rio +20, and ... By The Energy and Resources Institute
February 01 2012
12th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit The DSDS 2012 focus on the major theme of the commons 20 years since Rio, and aims help evolve strategies. By World Sustainable Development Forum