Proposals > Economy and the organization of society < Volver

Premises for a New Economy
May 07 2012
Premises for a New Economy The intertwined problems of development, equity, and ecology require a new economy. By Great Transition Initiative
Sustaining and Maintaining Life on Earth
April 23 2012
Sustaining and Maintaining Life on Earth The sustenance of the incredible variety of species and biodiversity on planet Earth throughout millennia has been largely dependent ... By Rights for Sustainability InitiativeStella JoyTara Joy
World on the edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse
April 12 2012
World on the edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse If we continue with business as usual, how much time do we have left before our global civilization unravels? And how do we ... By Earth Policy InstituteLester R. Brown
Statement of Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities of ASEAN
March 31 2012
Statement of Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities of ASEAN We, the Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities in the ASEAN call to recognize, respect and promote customary laws and ... By Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities of ASEAN
Extreme Poverty and World Governance
March 31 2012
Extreme Poverty and World governance Proposals to place the eradication of extreme poverty at the heart of the political goals pursued by a renewed world governance. By ATD Fourth WorldForum for a New World Governance
The Post-Durban and Rio+20 Civil Society Organizations Preparatory Workshop
March 17 2012
The Post-Durban and Rio+20 Civil Society Organizations Preparatory Workshop We declare we must ensure that actions towards green economy do not increase social inequalities and that revenues generated out ... By Pan African Climate Justice Alliance
Declaración de la Reunión de Ministros de Medio Ambiente de CELAC
March 11 2012
Latin America and Caribbean Ministerial Environment Forum for Rio+20 We, Ministers of Environment, declare that in the framework of the Rio+20 Conference, a universal declaration of the rights of ... By Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
A Declaration of Economic Interdependence
February 19 2012
A Declaration of Economic Interdependence Fully appreciative of the many blessings of the Declaration of Independence it might now be an appropriate time to draft ... By Carmine Gorga
Reforming global sustainable development governance: a rights-based agenda
February 05 2012
Reforming global sustainable development governance: a rights-based agenda Achieving sustainable development entails a global transition - away from prevailing inequitable and ecologically destabilizing ... By IBON International
Espace rural petites et moyennes collectivités et gouvernance mondiale
February 03 2012
Rural Areas and World Governance It is clear that rural areas’ long-term prosperity will be far easier to achieve if urban areas themselves succeed in ... By Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human ProgressMatthieu Calame