Proposals > Cities and urban areas < Volver

Federated States and Regional Governments Committed to a New Paradigm for Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication
July 07 2012
Federated States and Regional Governments Committed to a New Paradigm for ... The current economic development model is not sustainable in the long-run neither in terms of poverty eradication objectives nor ... By Regions United
Agroecología: única esperanza para la soberanía alimentaria y la resiliencia socioecológica
June 08 2012
The scaling up of agroecology: spreading the hope for food sovereignty and resiliency There is no doubt that humanity needs an alternative agricultural development paradigm, one that encourages more ... By Clara NichollsLatin American Scientific Society of AgroecologyMiguel Altieri
Territoire: les ruptures nécessaires pour la transition
January 22 2012
Territories: paradigm shifts that need to be made for the transition Territories are objectively called to play a decisive role in designing and conducting the necessary transition. By Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human ProgressFrench Collective Rio+20Pierre Calame
The Voice of Children and Youth for Rio+20
January 04 2012
The Voice of Children and Youth for Rio+20 We are the next generation of decision-makers and we stand for action and change. Therefore, we pledge the following commitments ... By 2011 Tunza International Youth and Children Conference
Déclaration des collectivités locales et territoriales françaises pour Rio+20
November 11 2011
Declaration by French Local Authorities on Rio+20 This declaration by Local Authorities1 on Rio+20 was drafted during the French National Assizes of Sustainable Development, hosted ... By French National Congress of Sustainable Development