- InformationThe Rio+20 community is a place for direct interaction between participants of the Rio+20 process through groups of debates, forums, chat and shared contents. Navigation within the community is free. We invite you to subscribe if you want to participate actively.
Events March 2025 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 All events - Main Themes
- Ethical and philosophical fundamentals: subjectivity, domination, and emancipation
- Human rights, peoples, territories, and defense of Mother Earth
- Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democracy
- Production, distribution and consumption, access to wealth, common goods, and economies in transition
Initiatives > Africas @en Ver todos >

March 31 2013
Declaration of the Social Movements Assembly of
the World Social Forum 2013
We are now at a crossroads where retrograde and conservative forces
want to stop the processes initiated two years ago with ...
By Social Movements Assembly

August 02 2012
African Manifesto for 2060
Secondly, we must assess the changes that have taken place on a
continent not always the master of its destiny.
By Annual African Governance Days

May 01 2012
Rio+20 and the Green Economy: the need for a
new paradigm
This seminar will focus on the need to develop alternative paradigms
and development strategies capable of ensuring a decent life for ...
By Trust for community outreach and education

April 23 2012
Consultation on the African Agenda to the
Rio+20 Summit
IBON International and the People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty
are organizing an Africa-wide CSO Consultation that will discuss ...
By IBON International ◾ People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty
Proposals > Africas @en Ver todos >

June 08 2012
The scaling up of agroecology: spreading the
hope for food sovereignty and resiliency
There is no doubt that humanity needs an alternative agricultural
development paradigm, one that encourages more ...
By Clara Nicholls ◾ Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology ◾ Miguel Altieri

June 05 2012
Reclaiming Rights at Rio: CSO Consultation to
the African Agenda in the Rio+20 Summit
We remind that the people of Africa look up to them as defenders of
their rights and expect them to ensure Rio+20 outcome ...
By IBON International ◾ Rights for Sustainability Initiative

May 14 2012
Rethinking and changing world governance
The key questions that could guide us are: What are the alternatives
for building a new governance architecture? How do we create them?
By Cândido Grzybowski ◾ Forum for a New World Governance ◾ Gustavo Marin ◾ Ricardo Jimenez

April 23 2012
Resolution on a Human Rights-Based Approach to
Natural Resources Governance
The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights reaffirms that
States should place natural resources governance under ...
By African Commission on Human and People’s Rights
Documents > Africas @en Ver todos >

January 19 2012
Kleptocratic capitalism, climate finance, and
the green economy in Africa
As Africa faces up to the enormous challenge of climate change and
the creation of a sustainable ‘green economy’, it must look ...
By Pambazuka News ◾ Third World Network-Africa ◾ Yash Tandon

November 15 2011
How to Build a Sustainable World: Practical
Guidelines to Change How We Live and Work
It is now up to our political leadership to back up promises and
rhetoric about creating green jobs. If we actively pursue ...
By Glenn Ashton ◾ South African Civil Society Information Service

November 15 2011
The Green Growth Agenda: Is This the New Hope?
It’s clear that the focus on greening the economy led by a
clean-tech boom only continues to support the prevailing ...
By Saliem Fakir

November 15 2011
Africa Must Lead: COP 17 Must Deliver Climate
Justice to Developing Nations
Climate justice is about cutting a deal at the COP meeting that
provides just that – climate justice for all, not justice for ...
By Glenn Ashton
Eventos > Africas @en Ver todos >
April 23 2012
CSO Consultation on the African Agenda to the
Rio+ Summit
IBON International and the People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty
are organizing an Africa-wide CSO Consultation that will discuss ...
By IBON International ◾ People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty
April 17 2012
Reclaiming Rights at Rio: Transformative Agenda
at Rio+ 20 and Beyond
IBON International and the People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty
(PCFS), which have actively taken part in the negotiations , ...
By IBON International ◾ People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty
April 10 2012
Training workshop and preparation of youth to
the COP18 and Rio+20
African Youth Initiative on Climate Change -Central Africa
Coordination - and associated partners will organize from 29 May ...
By African Youth Initiative on Climate Change