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- Ethical and philosophical fundamentals: subjectivity, domination, and emancipation
- Human rights, peoples, territories, and defense of Mother Earth
- Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democracy
- Production, distribution and consumption, access to wealth, common goods, and economies in transition

12 years, 10 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid and cecile vaesen are now friends
12 years, 10 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid y Tony Arias Gil son ahora amigos
12 years, 10 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid y wendywendy lau son ahora amigos
13 years, 1 month ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid y Pierre son ahora amigos
13 years, 1 month ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid y Gustavo Marin son ahora amigos
13 years, 1 month ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid y marcelovercillo son ahora amigos
13 years, 4 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid y Gonzalo Villarreal son ahora amigos
13 years, 4 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid y eduambientales son ahora amigos
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid posted an update:
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid ha publicado un nuevo comentario de actividad:In reply to - Rashad Abu-Hmaid ha publicado una actualización: International Committee of Cooperation Palestinian Brazilian (ICCPB). Letter from Palestine National Committee for the World. That smile of small painted on their faces cheerful beautiful, that do not know the meaning of hatred and hatred, overwhelm the largest military force in the world, the Israeli entity, which tried many blur [...] · View
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid ha publicado un nuevo comentario de actividad:In reply to - Rashad Abu-Hmaid ha publicado una actualización: International Committee of Cooperation Palestinian Brazilian (ICCPB). Letter from Palestine National Committee for the World. That smile of small painted on their faces cheerful beautiful, that do not know the meaning of hatred and hatred, overwhelm the largest military force in the world, the Israeli entity, which tried many blur [...] · View
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid ha publicado una actualización:
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid ha publicado una actualización:
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid posted an update in the group Charte des Peuples de la Terre (français):
International Committee of Cooperation Palestinian Brazilian (ICCPB).
Letter from Palestine National Committee for the World.
That smile of small painted on their faces cheerful beautiful, that do not know the meaning of hatred and hatred, overwhelm the largest military force in the world, the Israeli entity, which tried many blur this smile, and deny them, but they failed in this; they smile at the heart of white, grew up on the love of goodness and hope.
Known in the world that the Israeli entity does not accept defeat, claiming that he had a right, and continue to fight and kill, even if it cost him the killing of thousands, even millions of innocent people, as he did in the recent aggression launched by the ”Gaza Strip”, and killed hundreds of innocent children, This entity does not attempt to exonerate himself from the massacres carried out against the Palestinian people; because he always finds his defense in the Arab and Western as well, and this is aggravated by the confidence that he had a right, not colonial coward.
For this; resorted to the use of the ugliest roads in their right to blur this laughter, simple and destroy the hopes that give rise to madness, to impose on them the siege, and the Arab and foreign associations see, but only silence, and prevent the entry of drugs to them, daily necessities, and horror sound of aircraft, and constant bombardment by a ruthless, But in spite of all these failed attempts that have been used against them to destroy the hopes and aspirations, they refused to surrender and bow, and insisted to continue to survive and achieve their dream of the first and last, the liberation of Al Aqsa Mosque, and to live in peace, like the rest of the world’s children.
Do not know the taste of surrender; because they believe they are right, and the owners of the issue of stable and well established, they are children does not differ much from the rest of the world’s children, but they have the will and ambition enough to distinguish them from the rest of the world’s children, steadfast like mountains before the wind; to achieve their dream that they have learned from their parents and will teach to their sons and daughters, the liberation of Al Aqsa Mosque, and not to waste any inch of the blessed land of Palestine, and it is said: ”Education at a young age Knakec on the stone.”
These children learned how to survive and patience, and how to keep their land and not to waste it, and will teach it to their sons and daughters; until the generation Yun-Aqsa Mosque, and fulfills the dream of millions of Palestinian people cleats.
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid ha publicado una actualización:
International Committee of Cooperation Palestinian Brazilian (ICCPB).
Letter from Palestine National Committee for the World.
That smile of small painted on their faces cheerful beautiful, that do not know the meaning of hatred and hatred, overwhelm the largest military force in the world, the Israeli entity, which tried many blur this smile, and deny them, but they failed in this; they smile at the heart of white, grew up on the love of goodness and hope.
Known in the world that the Israeli entity does not accept defeat, claiming that he had a right, and continue to fight and kill, even if it cost him the killing of thousands, even millions of innocent people, as he did in the recent aggression launched by the ”Gaza Strip”, and killed hundreds of innocent children, This entity does not attempt to exonerate himself from the massacres carried out against the Palestinian people; because he always finds his defense in the Arab and Western as well, and this is aggravated by the confidence that he had a right, not colonial coward.
For this; resorted to the use of the ugliest roads in their right to blur this laughter, simple and destroy the hopes that give rise to madness, to impose on them the siege, and the Arab and foreign associations see, but only silence, and prevent the entry of drugs to them, daily necessities, and horror sound of aircraft, and constant bombardment by a ruthless, But in spite of all these failed attempts that have been used against them to destroy the hopes and aspirations, they refused to surrender and bow, and insisted to continue to survive and achieve their dream of the first and last, the liberation of Al Aqsa Mosque, and to live in peace, like the rest of the world’s children.
Do not know the taste of surrender; because they believe they are right, and the owners of the issue of stable and well established, they are children does not differ much from the rest of the world’s children, but they have the will and ambition enough to distinguish them from the rest of the world’s children, steadfast like mountains before the wind; to achieve their dream that they have learned from their parents and will teach to their sons and daughters, the liberation of Al Aqsa Mosque, and not to waste any inch of the blessed land of Palestine, and it is said: ”Education at a young age Knakec on the stone.”
These children learned how to survive and patience, and how to keep their land and not to waste it, and will teach it to their sons and daughters; until the generation Yun-Aqsa Mosque, and fulfills the dream of millions of Palestinian people cleats.
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid ha publicado una actualización:
International Committee of Cooperation Palestinian Brazilian (ICCPB).
Letter from Palestine National Committee for the World.
That smile of small painted on their faces cheerful beautiful, that do not know the meaning of hatred and hatred, overwhelm the largest military force in the world, the Israeli entity, which tried many blur this smile, and deny them, but they failed in this; they smile at the heart of white, grew up on the love of goodness and hope.
Known in the world that the Israeli entity does not accept defeat, claiming that he had a right, and continue to fight and kill, even if it cost him the killing of thousands, even millions of innocent people, as he did in the recent aggression launched by the ”Gaza Strip”, and killed hundreds of innocent children, This entity does not attempt to exonerate himself from the massacres carried out against the Palestinian people; because he always finds his defense in the Arab and Western as well, and this is aggravated by the confidence that he had a right, not colonial coward.
For this; resorted to the use of the ugliest roads in their right to blur this laughter, simple and destroy the hopes that give rise to madness, to impose on them the siege, and the Arab and foreign associations see, but only silence, and prevent the entry of drugs to them, daily necessities, and horror sound of aircraft, and constant bombardment by a ruthless, But in spite of all these failed attempts that have been used against them to destroy the hopes and aspirations, they refused to surrender and bow, and insisted to continue to survive and achieve their dream of the first and last, the liberation of Al Aqsa Mosque, and to live in peace, like the rest of the world’s children.
Do not know the taste of surrender; because they believe they are right, and the owners of the issue of stable and well established, they are children does not differ much from the rest of the world’s children, but they have the will and ambition enough to distinguish them from the rest of the world’s children, steadfast like mountains before the wind; to achieve their dream that they have learned from their parents and will teach to their sons and daughters, the liberation of Al Aqsa Mosque, and not to waste any inch of the blessed land of Palestine, and it is said: ”Education at a young age Knakec on the stone.”
These children learned how to survive and patience, and how to keep their land and not to waste it, and will teach it to their sons and daughters; until the generation Yun-Aqsa Mosque, and fulfills the dream of millions of Palestinian people cleats.
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid ha publicado una actualización:
Mesdames, Messieurs, ceci est une annonce de première importance!
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Et ce n’est pas tout, il ne s’agit pas de fins de stock, mais bien de la collection entière qui est soldée jusqu’à -90%.
Alors, venez vite découvrir les milliers d’articles dans toutes les tailles disponible en ce moment même sur Vetements Discounter.Bonne journée.
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13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid posted a new activity comment:
hello haw are yow
I am Rashad from Palestine -
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid and Cyril France are now friends
13 years, 5 months ago Rashad Abu-Hmaid posted an update:
Rashad Abu-Hamid – Palestine is State 194 in the world
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