- InformationVarious networks, working groups, seminars, meetings and conferences are emerging in the different regions of the world to contribute to the debates of Rio+20. You can find them in this section.
Events March 2025 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 All events - Main Themes
- Ethical and philosophical fundamentals: subjectivity, domination, and emancipation
- Human rights, peoples, territories, and defense of Mother Earth
- Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democracy
- Production, distribution and consumption, access to wealth, common goods, and economies in transition

An alternative for a transition to sustainable futures beyound Rio+20
INTRODUCTION: Peoples’ Sustainability TREATIES
- People’s Sustainability Treaties are a series of independent collective agreements produced by people in parallel to the official UNCSD2012.
- It is planned as the alternative content outcome by people at Rio+20 and will serve as collection of proposals for governments negotiating for official outcomes.
- The treaties is considered as a complimentary process to strengthen the People’s Summit Rio+20 organised by the Brazilian civil society and all other independent efforts towards creating people’s visions and voices.
- The treaties are essentially a forward looking process and targets a future beyond Rio+20 and will become a living document towards the transition to a sustainable world order.
- Drawing inspiration from The NGO Alternative Treaties in 1992 at the 1st Rio Earth Summit, these people’s sustainability treaties would be open to any independent stakeholder contribution.
- The Treaties will also draw essence from Agenda 21 and embark on a renewed civil and political commitment towards an action plan to further sustainable development.
- The Treaties will also draw scenarios from for future sustainability pathways from the Great Transition Initiate and aspire to provide forum towards gathering a Global Citizens Movement.
- Organizations and Groups will be invited to coordinate/facilitate treaties of different topics. Open invitations will be made to anyone to contribute.
- An International Advisory Board will be drawn from the collaborating partners to guide the treaties process towards Rio+20 and beyound.
- An experienced international editorial team with expertise will be appointed to manage the final outcome document of collective treaties.
- The editorial members will work with each of the treaty committee to ensure that an inclusive and fair process is adopted to evolve each treaty.
- A Blog will be operated to showcase the evolving stages of each draft and emerging new treaties.
- Global public will be invited to send their input to the treaties. The organizing committees will regularly update the treaties and the blog will keep the latest version updated.
- The treaties will be finalized during the month of May 2012
- Discussions and dialogues will be held during the 03 prepcom days 04 sandwich days of the Rio+20 summit.
- The treaties will be open to the public for endorsement and adoption from the 1st of June.
- A Treaties Platform will be planned to voice proposal through the treaties during the summit days.
- The next 06 months post Rio+20 will be used for further outreach through a Campaign for a Global Movement towards Sustainable Futures.
Following Themes are proposed to be included in the People’s Sustainability Treaties
(Please note that the following are a only list of proposed themes and to be be regularly updated, changed and more themes are to be included)
DECLARATION: People’s Sustainability Declaration
- A New Social Order: Sustainable Development Governance
- A New Economic Order: Sustainable Economic System
- A New Ecological Order: Sustainable Lifestyle and Livelihood
SECTION 01: Sustainable Economies
- Eg: Sustainable Development Goals Treaty (proposed by Stakeholder Forum)
- Eg: Sustainable Economies Treaty: Green, Blue and other Economies (proposed by CED)
- Eg: Corporate Social Responsibility & Accountability (proposed by Dialogue on a Convention for Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability)
- Eg: Food Security Treaty
- Eg: Energy Security Treaty
- Eg: Water Security Treaty
SECTION 02: Sustainable Societies
- Eg: Millennium Consumption Goals Treaty (proposed by MIND together with MCG Network)
- Eg: Sustainable Consumption & Production Treaty (proposed by ANPED)
- Eg: Poverty Eradication Treaty
- SECTION 03: Sustainable Ecosystems
- Eg: Climate Sustainability Treaty (proposed by Climate Sustainability PLATFORM)
- Eg: Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services Treaty
SECTION 03: Sustainable Ecosystems
- Eg: Climate Sustainability Treaty (proposed by Climate Sustainability PLATFORM)
- Eg: Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services Treaty
SECTION 04: Equity, Rights & Governance
- Eg: Equity in Sustainable Development Treaty (proposed by Initiative for Equality)
- Eg: Sustainable Development Governance Treaty (proposed by Sustainable Development Governance Network)
- Eg: Public Participation in Decision Making Treaty
- Eg: Climate Justice Treaty
SECTION 05: Peace, Values and Mindfulness
- Eg: Mindfulness for Sustainability Treaty
- Eg: Peace for Sustainability Treaty
- Eg: Spiritual Values for Sustainability Treaty
ACTION PLAN: People’s Sustainability Transition Plan
- A New Global Movement
- Transition to a Sustainable Society
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Timeline for Change
- The project management and secretariat is hosted by:
- Centre for Environment and Development (CED)
- Collaborating Partners (confirmed members):
- Climate Sustainability PLATFORM
- Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future (SF)
- Northern Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED)
- South Asian Women’s Network (SWAN)
- Millennium Consumption Goals Initiative (MCGI)
- Asian Institute for Technology – Extension (AITE)
- Munasinghe Institute for Development (MIND)
- Initiative for Equality (IfE)
- Tellus Institute (TELLUS)
- Green Liberty (GL)
- Integrative Strategies Forum (ISF)
- IBON Foundation (IBON)
- Susila Dharma International (SDI)
- Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN)
Ethical and philosophical fundamentals: subjectivity, domination, and emancipation ◾ Human rights, peoples, territories, and defense of Mother Earth ◾ Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democracy ◾ Production, distribution and consumption, access to wealth, common goods, and economies in transition
Details of the initiative
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