- InformationThe Rio+20 community is a place for direct interaction between participants of the Rio+20 process through groups of debates, forums, chat and shared contents. Navigation within the community is free. We invite you to subscribe if you want to participate actively.
Events February 2025 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 All events - Main Themes
- Ethical and philosophical fundamentals: subjectivity, domination, and emancipation
- Human rights, peoples, territories, and defense of Mother Earth
- Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democracy
- Production, distribution and consumption, access to wealth, common goods, and economies in transition
Rio+20 extension
Public Group active 12 years, 8 months agoEste grupo es para presentar el concept de evento extendido, y juntar intereses y recursos de organizadores de actividades, para extender estas actividades hacia lejos de rio , permitiendo participacion remota de sus redes, talvez con alguna facilitacion de parte de organizadores de la cumbre, y del sitio rio+20
se inspira de practicas exploradas en el contexto del foro social mundial http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/project-home
This group is to present the concept of extended event, and gather interestand resources of activity organisers, in order toextended these actvities towards far from rio, allowing remote participation of their networks, maybe with some logistical facilitation from summit and website organizers – it recycles experience gathered in the frame of world social forum http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/project-home