7:00 pm 15 November 2011 — 9:00 pm 15 November 2011 at London, England.


Here at the Green Economy Coalition we believe that the transition to a green economy is not just about vision and ideals. It is about practicalities, it’s about policies, it’s about solutions.


In less than 8 months world leaders and policy-makers will descend on Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the world summit on sustainable development (Rio 2012) to discuss Green Economy. The summit offers us a unique opportunity for getting proposals onto the global agenda and thereby kick-starting the transition to a different economic order.


But, if we are going to shift the current economic paradigm to one that generates a fairer and greener future for all, then the solutions need to be robust. They need to be scrutinised from all quarters.


So, the Green Economy Coalition – the largest group of civil society organisations working on a green economy – is putting itself on the stand.


We are asking leading economists, business experts, civil society representatives and policy-makers to come and scrutinise our policy positions for Rio 2012. We will be hearing from:

  • Paul Ekins – Professor of Energy and Environment Policy, UCL
  • Hannah Stoddart – Head of Economic Justice, Oxfam
  • Peter Lacy – Managing Director, Sustainability Services, Accenture
  • Neil McIndoe – Head of Environmental Finance, Trucost
  • Neal Lawson – Chairman, Compass


The panel discussion will be chaired by Jo Confino, The Guardian, who will stimulate a lively audience debate focusing on how we can build a collective movement amongst all organisations and sectors for a green and fair economy and get us out of the escalating economic, social and environmental crisis.


We need your expertise. We need your voice. Come join the debate at 7pm on November 15 for ‘The Green Economy on Trial’ (7pm – 9pm)

Thematic axis