10:00 am 14 June 2012 — 6:00 pm 18 June 2012 at Belo Horizonte, Brazil.


The ICLEI World Congress 2012 will be held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil from 14 to 18 June 2012. The timing and location of the ICLEI World Congress 2012 are notable as this will be the first ICLEI World Congress in Latin America and because the event will take place just days before Rio+20. All interested parties are encouraged to attend ICLEI’s World Congress as well as the Rio+20 Conference.


The ICLEI World Congress takes place every three years and provides Mayors, local government elected officials and staff, representatives from international agencies, national governments, donors and other partners with the opportunity for peer exchanges, knowledge-sharing, capacity building and on-site visits and exhibits.


The program for ICLEI World Congress 2012 will be based on ICLEI’s eight strategic goals and will showcase the vast work of ICLEI Members on advancing sustainability. It will be enriched by global strategists and leaders sharing their vision on the opportunities and challenges for local governments in the coming decades.


The City of Belo Horizonte has consistently demonstrated both its leadership and commitment to sustainability and international cooperation. As a member since 1993, the City has shown a strong commitment to working with ICLEI both in Brazil and internationally.


For further information, contact world.congress(at)iclei.org.


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ICLEI World Congress 2012
