9:00 am 17 March 2012 — 6:00 pm 18 March 2012 at New York, USA.

The Global Transition 2012 Initiative


The goal of the Global Transition 2012 Initiative is to achieve an outcome from the UNCSD Earth Summit 2012 that catalyses a global transition to an economy that maximizes wellbeing, operates within environmental limits, and is capable of coping and adapting to global environmental change in an equitable manner.


The aim of the Initiative is to build a global a multi- stakeholder movement to promote alternative models of the economy that can deliver sustainable development to people, countries, and present and future generations. This builds on the three pillars of sustainable development: social, environmental, and economic.


Stakeholder Forum and nef (the new economics foundation) are working in partnership with the New Economics Institute and the Green Economy Coalition to develop the Global Transition 2012 initiative towards the UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 (Rio+20), and to bring the core concepts of achieving such a transition into the heart of the process.

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Global Transition Dialogue #2 on the New Economy