10:00 am 24 January 2012 — 6:00 pm 24 January 2012 at New York, USA.


Ibon International is pleased to announce the date for the Global Civil Society Workshop on the Rio+20 “Zero Draft” and Rights for Sustainability, to be held in New York City, New York, USA this January 24, 2012.


The workshop aims to achieve the following:

  • Analyze to what extent key CSO asks on human rights, equity and justice are reflected in the draft
  • Analyze the positions of key countries in the UNCSD process
  • Strategize how to influence the negotiating positions of members states in favor of the rights-based approach to sustainability
  • Bring civil society voices, especially from the South, to engage in the Rio+20 process
  • Plan how to promote rights for sustainability among the different major groups and stakeholders




All inputs from member states and other stakeholders for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) received on or before 1 November 2011 have been compiled by the UNCSD Secretariat and shall form the basis for the “Zero Draft” of the Outcome Document for Rio+20. Initial discussions by members states on the “zero draft” will take place from 25-27 January 2012, followed by three “informal informal” meetings to negotiate the outcome document from February to April, 2012.


This workshop shall gather civil society representatives belonging to various Major Groups and Stakeholders to examine the content of the “Zero Draft” to be presented to member states in January. The workshop will be held immediately before the Informal Consultations at the UN Headquarters in New York City.


For information on how you can participate in the workshop, please get in touch with Andrian Alfonso of Ibon International at aalfonso(at)iboninternational.org and please visit www.iboninternational.org for updates.


