9:15 am 15 March 2012 — 4:30 pm 15 March 2012 at Brussels, Belgium.


CIDSE, ANPED, EEB and CEEweb co-organise, in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), a European High-Level Conference on Rio+20:”Achieving Global Justice in the Green Economy with a special focus on natural resources.


Where: Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, large auditorium. Entrance: Rue Vautier 29, 1000 Brussels – Belgium (Please note, venue change: due to the high level of interest, the conference has been moved from the European Economic and Social Committee to a larger auditorium at the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences.)


Innovative thinking on fair natural resource sharing


The conference addresses one of the main themes of the upcoming UNCSD Rio+20 Summit: “Green Economy in the context of Sustainable Development and poverty eradication.” Many have already stressed the importance of social equity and global justice as key concern in shaping a Green Economy worldwide. However, no concrete proposals were made so far on a fair way of sharing natural resources.


The conference offers representatives from government, major groups (of non-governmental stakeholders as defined by Agenda 21), international organizations and experts an opportunity to collaborate on concrete proposals and inspire new ways of thinking, which will lead to other, more sustainable, paths for development and well being for all.


Conference results will be reflected in a Call to Action outcome document, to be presented in the 3Rd UN CSD  preparatory Intersessional meeting, which will take place from 26 to 27 March in the United Nations Headquarters, in New York. The document will make recommendations for specific programmes and actions for governments and civil society towards fair share of natural resources.

Thematic axis