9:00 am 17 May 2012 — 6:00 pm 18 May 2012 at Nairobi, Kenya.


Reclaiming Rights at Rio: Transformative Agenda at Rio+ 20 and Beyond
A CSO Consultation on the African Agenda to the Rio+ Summit


In the recent informal negotiations at the UN HQ in New York, CSOs drew attention to and criticized the attempt of certain member states to delete or bracket references to rights and equity in the outcome document for Rio+20. This became a common rallying call among nearly all major groups and stakeholders in meetings with member states and UN officials during the intersessional.


IBON International and the People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS), which have actively taken part in the negotiations, are organizing an Africa-wide CSO Consultation that will discuss the African agenda to the Rio+ Summit. The event is a preparatory consultation on the lead up to Rio, including the People’s Summit or the Cupola dos Povos events.


For more information, kindly contact the PCFS secretariat at:

  • Email: secretariat(at)foodsov.org
  • Adress: Kirichwa Road, Wanandege flats, Apartment no. D4, Kilimani P. O. Box 36851 – 00200 Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Office Tel: +254 20 234 5762, 0704 353 043 mobile:+254 706232589
  • Website: www.foodsov.org


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