9:00 am 10 September 2011 — 6:00 pm 12 September 2011 at Montreal, Canada.

The World Assembly is a key global gathering for civil society and governments, donors and business, to engage constructively in finding common solutions to building a more just world.


The key objective of the World Assembly is to address global participatory governance by opening a meeting space for all members, collaborators and friends of the CIVICUS community to work to improve participatory governance and bring grassroots voices to the international level.


Much more than training sessions, the WA actively engages all parts of civil society to work together across sectors in tackling sustainable development and human rights issues.


Through plenary sessions, workshops, learning exchanges and social activities, the World Assembly”s strength is its ability to act as a forum where traditionally unconnected sectors engage in dialogue to act collaboratively towards the strengthening of civil space.

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World Assembly of Civicus