- InformationThe Rio+20 community is a place for direct interaction between participants of the Rio+20 process through groups of debates, forums, chat and shared contents. Navigation within the community is free. We invite you to subscribe if you want to participate actively.
Events March 2025 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 All events - Main Themes
- Ethical and philosophical fundamentals: subjectivity, domination, and emancipation
- Human rights, peoples, territories, and defense of Mother Earth
- Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democracy
- Production, distribution and consumption, access to wealth, common goods, and economies in transition
Initiatives > Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democr... Ver todos >

September 27 2014
Peoples’ Summit on Climate Change COP20
A new global agreement on climate change is to be reached at COP 21,
programmed in Paris in 2015 after Lima in December 2014.
By People's Summit on Climate Change COP20

July 05 2013
China-Europa-South America civil societies
Dialogue – Joint Statement
We feel that we are part of a worldwide community and believe that
it is necessary to overcome borders and hegemonies of any kind, ...
By Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analyses (Ibase) ◾ Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human Progress ◾ Fo...

March 31 2013
Declaration of the Social Movements Assembly of
the World Social Forum 2013
We are now at a crossroads where retrograde and conservative forces
want to stop the processes initiated two years ago with ...
By Social Movements Assembly

August 04 2012
Manifesting a future beyond Rio+20: Seeding a
global citizens movement
A Global Citizens’ Movement is the collective response towards
transitioning to a sustainable world and linking the local to ...
By Ashish Kothari ◾ Ashwani Vasishth ◾ People's Sustainability Treaties
Proposals > Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democr... Ver todos >

March 14 2013
For a democratic cosmopolitarian movement
By Forum for a New World Governance ◾ Jean Rossiaud

August 05 2012
Summary of the plenaries of the Peoples Summit
The final document of the Peoples Summit summarizes the main
discussed perspectives during the plenaries and assemblies
By Peoples Summit Rio+20

July 07 2012
Federated States and Regional Governments
Committed to a New Paradigm for ...
The current economic development model is not sustainable in the
long-run neither in terms of poverty eradication objectives nor ...
By Regions United

July 07 2012
Reclaiming Multilateralism for People Rights
and Sustainable Development
In looking primarily at their own interests, powerful countries are
well within the tradition of political realism.
By Barbara Adams ◾ Gretchen Luchsinger ◾ UN Non-governmental liaison service
Documents > Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democr... Ver todos >

October 22 2012
Waiting to be heard
Ask us what we want. Understanding what people need and want is the
most basic prerequisite to intelligent ...
By Initiative for Equality

September 01 2012
The future we don’t want: Some thoughts after
Sustainable development is a highly political issue, dealing with
huge struggles of power and (short term) economic interest.
By Leida Rijnhout ◾ Northern Alliance for Sustainibility

August 28 2012
Rio+20: failed diplomacy, feeble democracy
Our world governance has become the most serious risk facing
By Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human Progress ◾ Pierre Calame

August 21 2012
After Rio+20: What New World Governance Does
the World Need?
Rio+20 came and went. Twenty years have gone by since the Earth
Summit held in Rio in 1992. The world has continued to ...
By Forum for a New World Governance ◾ Gustavo Marin
Eventos > Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democr... Ver todos >
March 10 2012
US and Canada Citizen’s Summit for Sustainable
The Summit seeks to generate new knowledge, policy, and action for
sustainability in the United States and Canada, and to ...
By US and Canada Citizen's Summit for Sustainable Development
February 01 2012
Peoples Summit for Social and Environmental
Justice in defense of the commons
(Report of the Brazilian Civil...
By Editorial Team
January 10 2012
ICLEI World Congress 2012
The program for ICLEI World Congress 2012 will be based on ICLEI’s
eight strategic goals and will showcase the vast work of ...
By ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainibility