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Otro futuro es posible
June 10 2012
Another Future is Possible We must build a new paradigm of social, economic, and political organizations, whose actions will be enhanced by learning from ... By Thematic Social Forum
Occupy the Earth Summit
May 30 2012
Occupy the Earth Summit Rio+20 The Rio+20 Earth Summit Happening June 20-22 provides #Occupy the platform to join forces from all around the world. By Occupy Wall Street Movement
Mudança de paradigma, por territórios justos, democráticos e sustentáveis: Pela reforma urbana e agrária, agora!
May 27 2012
A paradigm shift for just, democratic and sustainable territories Many popular movements and civil society networks are taking up the challenge of building a model for sustainable urban society and ... By International Alliance of Inhabitants
Draft Zero alternatif pour la Conférence Rio+20
May 22 2012
Alternative Zero Draft for the Rio+20 Conference The aim of this draft is to propose a coherent vision on the major stakes of this Conference and to allow questioning the current ... By Forum of Ethics and Responsibilities

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People's sustainability treaties: an alternative pathway for a sustainable transition
June 01 2012
People’s sustainability treaties: an alternative pathway for a ... The Peoples’ Sustainability Treaties initiative aims to develop collective outcomes for a sustainable future and to strengthen ... By People's Sustainability Treaties
La Revolución Agroecológica de América Latina: rescatar la naturaleza, asegurar la soberanía alimentaria y empoderar al campesino
May 31 2012
The agroecological revolution in Latin America: rescuing nature, ensuring food sovereignty ... Agroecology is providing the scientific, methodological and technological basis for a new ‘agrarian revolution’ worldwide. By Miguel AltieriVictor Toledo
Traemos al mundo la posibilidad de todos los caminos
May 25 2012
Our Gift to the World is to make all roads possible Migrants are an indicator of the necessity of change for the development of humanity in times of growing, ... By Rio+20 Migrations Work Group
Peoples Sustainability Treaties
May 24 2012
People’s Sustainability Treaties The treaties are essentially a forward looking process and will become a living document towards the transition to a ... By People's Sustainability Treaties

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Términos de la discusión ecológica actual
July 06 2012
The terms of the present ecological debate Río+20 showed that the industrialized countries do not want to abdicate their position. The emerging countries want to catch ... By Leonardo Boff
Posicionamiento de la sociedad civil de América Latina y el Caribe sobre Río+20 y la economía verde
June 22 2012
Statement of Civil Society in Latin American and the Caribbean on Rio+20 The imposition of the green economy in Latin America and the Caribbean will be going far behind the achievements of the ... By Meeting for a transformative agenda in Rio+20 and beyond
Les peuples du monde face à l'avancée du capitalisme: Rio +20 et au delà
June 09 2012
The people of the world confront the advance of capitalism: Rio+20 and beyond We should exchange the industrial agroexport food system for a system based on food sovereignty, that returns the land to ... By Via Campesina
La Sostenibilidad del Desarrollo a 20 Años de la Cumbre para la Tierra
June 08 2012
Sustainable Development 20 Years on from the Earth Summit This report, written from the Latin American and Caribbean perspective, describes the progress made and the gaps that remain ... By Cepal

Eventos > Production, distribution and consumption, access to wealt... Ver todos >

January 22 2012
Lets Take Care of Egypt – Green Economy does it include you? The conference in Egypt aims to bring together more than 200 young people and adults from schools, universities and NGO's all over ... By Arab Academy for Science & Technology
January 22 2012
“Rising Powers” and the Future of Global Governance The global crisis poses a challenge to the continued global hegemony of the West and its neoliberal mode of capitalism. By Research Network on Global Governance and the Emerging Global SouthUniversity of Sussex
December 20 2011
Sustainable Foods Summit The annual Sustainable Foods Summit will focus on the leading issues the food industry faces concerning sustainability and ... By World Watch Institute