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¿Qué pasa en la Negociación para Rio+20?
April 05 2012
It’s the time of the Rights of Mother Earth It is incredible that it is easier to imagine the destruction of nature than to dream about overthrowing capitalism. By Pablo Solón
Recuperando nuestro futuro: Río +20 y más allá
March 13 2012
Reclaiming our future: Rio+20 and Beyond We continue to organize and practice agroecology based production, ensuring food sovereignty for all and implementing ... By Via Campesina
Rio+20 Earth Summit – time to change the narrative
March 08 2012
Rio+20 Earth Summit: time to change the narrative First is the proposal to recognise planetary boundaries. Second is the proposal to make Ecocide the Fifth International Crime ... By LSX Occupy: Energy Equity and Environment Group
Sociétés transnationales: acteurs majeurs dans les violations des droits humains
March 03 2012
Transnational Corporations: Major Players in Human Rights Violations To understand the system of dominant power in contemporary society, it is necessary to understand the role that TNCs play within it. By Europa-Third World Center
Rio+20 une transition maintenant !
March 01 2012
Rio+20: transition now ! We need to introduce major change that focuses on the general interest of all human beings, at all levels of society, and ... By French Collective Rio+20
A new historical period?
February 02 2012
A new historical period? It is impossible to draw one single strategy for the planet and it is useless to attempt to establish universal tactics. Although ... By Edgardo Lander
Declaración de los movimientos sociales en el Foro social temático 2012
February 01 2012
Declaration of Social Movements Assembly during the 2012 Thematic Social Forum We, people of all continents, fight against the causes of a systemic crisis expressed as the economic, financial, political, food, ... By Social Movements Assembly
Pueblos Indigenas hacen un llamado por una Moratoria sobre REDD+
January 13 2012
Indigenous Peoples Condemn Climate Talks Fiasco and Demand Moratoria on REDD+ “We will not allow our sacred Amazon rainforest to be turned into a carbon dump. REDD is a hypocrisy that does not stop global warming”. By Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities against REDD and for Life
Global Environmental Governance: The Role of Local Governments
December 13 2011
Global Environmental Governance: The Role of Local Governments What could a model for involvement of local governments in international environmental governance look like? By ICLEI - Local Governments for SustainibilityKonrad Otto-Zimmermann
Caminos y descaminos hacia una Biocivilización
December 09 2011
Tracks and Sidetracks for Biocivilization Thinking the basis of a new civilization and becoming part of the long process of social dismantlement and of reconstruction ... By Cândido Grzybowski