
No Future Without Justice
June 05 2012
No Future Without Justice We need to build a new narrative of development and sustainability that can permeate daily life, public and social arenas ... By Reflection GroupSocial WatchThird World Network
Rich nations backtracking as Rio Summit nears
June 04 2012
Rich nations backtracking as Rio Summit nears The developed countries are attempting to remove or dilute the principles agreed to in Rio 20 years ago, and to backtrack on ... By Martin KhorThird World Network
Ten theses of a critique of the Green Economy
June 03 2012
Ten theses of a critique of the Green Economy The strict decoupling of economic growth and environmental destruction is not possible under capitalism. By Federal Coordination of Internationalismus
Bio-economy versus Biodiversity
June 03 2012
Bio-economy versus Biodiversity The bio-economy proposal is not about protecting the environment: it is about promoting the economy including loss of biodiversity ... By Global Forest Coalition
La economía verde: una nueva fase de expansión capitalista
June 03 2012
The Green economy: a new stage of capitalist expansion What is really being sought in this green corporative economy is to deepen the commodification, privatization, and financialization ... By Campaign No to the Green economyThematic Social Forum
Green China: Chinese insights on environment and development
June 02 2012
Green China: Chinese insights on environment and development The global interconnections between energy, climate change, and land and water use mean that everyone has an interest in seeing ... By International Institute for Environment and Development
State of the World's Cities. Bridging the urban divide
May 23 2012
State of the World’s Cities. Bridging the urban divide The world is inexorably becoming urban. By 2030, developping regions, including Asia and Africa, will have more people living ... By UN Habitat
Lo que está en juego en Río+20
May 23 2012
What is at stake at Rio+20 We struggle for a radical change of the current model of production and consumption, strengthening our right to expand with ... By Brazilian Civil Society Facilitating Committee for Rio+20
Wellbeing & Happiness: Defining a New Economic Paradigm
May 23 2012
Time for a sustainable economic paradigm We need nothing less now than a new sustainability-based economic paradigm, with new progress measures, accounting systems ... By Royal Government of Bhutan
A new global architecture for sustainable development
May 18 2012
A new global architecture for sustainable development There are four main items to develop the summit’s outcome document in terms of the Institutional Framework for ... By Martin Khor