Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Societies
Du développement durable à l'économie verte, quels enjeux ? Quelle alternative ? from Alter-Echos on Vimeo.

From sustainable development to green economy
Capitalist Crisis and New historical period
Thematic Social Forum of Porto Alegre and Rio+20
Compilation of several interviews realized in Porto Alegre, Brazil on the Social Thematic Forum and Rio+20 during the methodological meeting of the STF (October 2011).
People's voices on Rio+20
Five new videos interviews were developed to present the opinion of different stakeholders about the importance of Rio +20, their expectations and suggestions to have a successful and productive process in Rio next year. The voices of the inverviewers is focused on the People's Summit that is envisioned to take place in June 2012. The interviews were conducted during the first preparatory meeting of Rio +20 Peoples' Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro from 30 June to 2 July 2011. The subtitles in English were done by a volunteer, we apologize for problems with their quality, nonetheless we are grateful to have the videos translated so that the voices represented can be disseminated to more people around the world. People's Voices Part 1 - Marcos Arruda, PACS Institute - Adriana Charoux, IDEC - Brazilian Institute for Consumer Defense - Sheila Ceccon, Paulo Freire Institute - Pedro Telles, Vitae Civilis Institute - Alba Rodrigues, GAO - Nair Jani, World March of Women
The videos were made on a voluntary basis by ProPlaneta in collaboration with the Earth Charter International.
Biocivilization for the Sustainibility of Life and the Planet