Initiatives > Conceptual and ideological Systems of policy and sustaini... Ver todos >

Forum flottant pour un Développement Durable
December 14 2011
Floating Forum for Sustainable Development The Forum will bring together the players of the ecological and social transition for sustainable development, taking them ... By Floating Forum for Sustainable Development

Proposals > Conceptual and ideological Systems of policy and sustaini... Ver todos >

Reforming global sustainable development governance: a rights-based agenda
February 05 2012
Reforming global sustainable development governance: a rights-based agenda Achieving sustainable development entails a global transition - away from prevailing inequitable and ecologically destabilizing ... By IBON International
Social Growth: Model of a Progressive Economic Policy
January 22 2012
Social Growth: model of a Progressive Economic Policy The aim is to develop a growth model that combines prosperity for all with sustainability and justice. Social growth, with its ... By Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Territoire: les ruptures nécessaires pour la transition
January 22 2012
Territories: paradigm shifts that need to be made for the transition Territories are objectively called to play a decisive role in designing and conducting the necessary transition. By Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human ProgressFrench Collective Rio+20Pierre Calame
Propuestas de Bolivia, Ecuador y Paraguay para Río+20
January 04 2012
Proposals of Bolivia, Ecuador and Paraguay for Rio+20 We share here some of the perspectives and conceptual breakthroughs extracted from Rio+20 submissions of the States of Paraguay, ... By EcuadorParaguayPlurinational State of Bolivia

Documents > Conceptual and ideological Systems of policy and sustaini... Ver todos >

The future we don’t want: Some thoughts after Rio+20
September 01 2012
The future we don’t want: Some thoughts after Rio+20 Sustainable development is a highly political issue, dealing with huge struggles of power and (short term) economic interest. By Leida RijnhoutNorthern Alliance for Sustainibility
A Post Rio+20 World: Planning Our Own Sustainable Futures after a Summit that Promised Nothing!
July 14 2012
A Post Rio+20 World: Planning Our Own Sustainable Futures after a Summit ... We as citizens of the world are now left to look after our own sustainable futures. Advancing global citizen’s movement to ... By Rights for Sustainability InitiativeUchita de Zoysa
The world needs an ambitious global agenda that links finances, society and the environment
July 13 2012
The world needs an ambitious global agenda that links finances, society and the environment No country or group of countries today has the capacity to exercise policy leadership, globally speaking. The traditional ... By International Labour OrganizationJuan Somavia
Términos de la discusión ecológica actual
July 06 2012
The terms of the present ecological debate Río+20 showed that the industrialized countries do not want to abdicate their position. The emerging countries want to catch ... By Leonardo Boff