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- Ethical and philosophical fundamentals: subjectivity, domination, and emancipation
- Human rights, peoples, territories, and defense of Mother Earth
- Political subjects, the architecture of power, and democracy
- Production, distribution and consumption, access to wealth, common goods, and economies in transition
Initiatives > Climate change Ver todos >

September 27 2014
Peoples’ Summit on Climate Change COP20
A new global agreement on climate change is to be reached at COP 21,
programmed in Paris in 2015 after Lima in December 2014.
By People's Summit on Climate Change COP20
Proposals > Climate change Ver todos >

May 31 2012
The agroecological revolution in Latin America:
rescuing nature, ensuring food sovereignty ...
Agroecology is providing the scientific, methodological and
technological basis for a new ‘agrarian revolution’ worldwide.
By Miguel Altieri ◾ Victor Toledo

May 17 2012
Lifelong Learning for Sustainability in a
Climate Changing World
The transformational possibilities of education will play a
fundamental role in the evolution of a new systemic architecture ...
By International Council for Adult Education ◾ Julian Waters-Lynch

April 12 2012
World on the edge: How to Prevent Environmental
and Economic Collapse
If we continue with business as usual, how much time do we have left
before our global civilization unravels? And how do we ...
By Earth Policy Institute ◾ Lester R. Brown

March 11 2012
Latin America and Caribbean Ministerial
Environment Forum for Rio+20
We, Ministers of Environment, declare that in the framework of the
Rio+20 Conference, a universal declaration of the rights of ...
By Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
Documents > Climate change Ver todos >

July 08 2012
Carbon Disclosure Project Cities 2012 Global
Larger, denser cities, on the whole, demonstrate smaller per capita
greenhouse gas emissions.
By Carbon Disclosure Project

June 02 2012
Green China: Chinese insights on environment
and development
The global interconnections between energy, climate change, and land
and water use mean that everyone has an interest in seeing ...
By International Institute for Environment and Development

December 13 2011
How not to tackle climate change and call it a
success: the Durban package
The package was officially sold to the world as a success, but it’s
easy to see it doesn’t do what it is supposed to do, and it ...
By Nele Marien

November 27 2011
Other worlds are possible. Human progress in an
age of climate change
This report argues that our chances of triumphing over climate
change will rise dramatically if we change the context within ...
By Working Group on Climate Change and Development
Eventos > Climate change Ver todos >
April 10 2012
Training workshop and preparation of youth to
the COP18 and Rio+20
African Youth Initiative on Climate Change -Central Africa
Coordination - and associated partners will organize from 29 May ...
By African Youth Initiative on Climate Change