Initiatives > Governance < Volver

Segundo Diálogo tripartito entre sociedades civiles de China, Europa y Suramérica
July 05 2013
China-Europa-South America civil societies Dialogue – Joint Statement We feel that we are part of a worldwide community and believe that it is necessary to overcome borders and hegemonies of any kind, ... By Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analyses (Ibase)Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human ProgressFo...
Declaración de la Asamblea de los Movimientos Sociales - Foro social mundial 2013
March 31 2013
Declaration of the Social Movements Assembly of the World Social Forum 2013 We are now at a crossroads where retrograde and conservative forces want to stop the processes initiated two years ago with ... By Social Movements Assembly
Manifesting a future beyond Rio+20: Seeding a global citizens movement
August 04 2012
Manifesting a future beyond Rio+20: Seeding a global citizens movement A Global Citizens’ Movement is the collective response towards transitioning to a sustainable world and linking the local to ... By Ashish KothariAshwani VasishthPeople's Sustainability Treaties
African Manifesto for 2060
August 02 2012
African Manifesto for 2060 Secondly, we must assess the changes that have taken place on a continent not always the master of its destiny. By Annual African Governance Days
Mudança de paradigma, por territórios justos, democráticos e sustentáveis: Pela reforma urbana e agrária, agora!
May 27 2012
A paradigm shift for just, democratic and sustainable territories Many popular movements and civil society networks are taking up the challenge of building a model for sustainable urban society and ... By International Alliance of Inhabitants
Draft Zero alternatif pour la Conférence Rio+20
May 22 2012
Alternative Zero Draft for the Rio+20 Conference The aim of this draft is to propose a coherent vision on the major stakes of this Conference and to allow questioning the current ... By Forum of Ethics and Responsibilities
Rio+20 and the Green Economy: the need for a new paradigm
May 01 2012
Rio+20 and the Green Economy: the need for a new paradigm This seminar will focus on the need to develop alternative paradigms and development strategies capable of ensuring a decent life for ... By Trust for community outreach and education
La ‘Madre Tierra’ apareció en el texto de negociación de Río+20
April 25 2012
‘Mother Earth’ has appeared in the Rio+20 negotiation text Last night the G77 proposed language referencing Mother Earth and the interdependence between Human Beings, other living species ... By Anil NaidooCouncil of CanadiansPaul Quintos
National Road To Rio+20 Campaign Sri Lanka
March 30 2012
National Road To Rio+20 Campaign Sri Lanka The Youth of Sri Lanka argue that a sustainable world would have to be founded on the principle of equity. By National Road To Rio+20 Campaign Sri Lanka
Global campaign calling forth the universal acceptance of Rights of Nature
March 20 2012
Global campaign calling forth the universal acceptance of Rights of Nature Our Commitment is to create a world wide, grassroots movement calling forth the acceptance and implementation of “The ... By Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature