Initiatives > Multi-themes Ver todos >

Global campaign calling forth the universal acceptance of Rights of Nature
March 20 2012
Global campaign calling forth the universal acceptance of Rights of Nature Our Commitment is to create a world wide, grassroots movement calling forth the acceptance and implementation of “The ... By Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
Planet Under Pressure
March 11 2012
Planet Under Pressure The 2012 Planet Under Pressure conference is intended to be a major opportunity to link global-change science in a two-way ... By Planet Under Pressure
US and Canada Citizen's Summit for Sustainable Development
March 10 2012
US and Canada Citizen’s Summit for Sustainable Development The Summit seeks to generate new knowledge, policy, and action for sustainability in the United States and Canada, and to ... By US and Canada Citizen's Summit for Sustainable Development
Energy Cities Annual Rendez-vous
March 07 2012
Energy Cities Annual Rendez-vous Thirty Mayors from 30 different countries will send out a strong signal : their vision synthesized in a set of 30 strategies for ... By Energy Cities

Proposals > Multi-themes Ver todos >

Premises for a New Economy
May 07 2012
Premises for a New Economy The intertwined problems of development, equity, and ecology require a new economy. By Great Transition Initiative
Declaración de la sociedad civil en el marco de XIII Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo
May 04 2012
Civil Society Declaration to XIII UN Conference on Trade and Development Only a paradigm shift in development will save future generations from global social and environmental chaos. By Unctad XIII civil society Forum
The Commons and World governance. Towards a global social contract
May 02 2012
The Commons and World governance. Towards a global social contract Growing interest in the commons is the expression of a deep trend in seeking new civilization paradigms. By Arnaud BlinForum for a New World GovernanceGustavo Marin
L’éducation dont nous avons besoin pour le monde que nous voulons
April 28 2012
The education we need for the world we want The education we want promotes contributes to social redistribution of knowledge and power which enhances the sense of ... By Rio+20 Education GroupThematic Social Forum

Documents > Multi-themes Ver todos >

Ten theses of a critique of the Green Economy
June 03 2012
Ten theses of a critique of the Green Economy The strict decoupling of economic growth and environmental destruction is not possible under capitalism. By Federal Coordination of Internationalismus
Bio-economy versus Biodiversity
June 03 2012
Bio-economy versus Biodiversity The bio-economy proposal is not about protecting the environment: it is about promoting the economy including loss of biodiversity ... By Global Forest Coalition
La economía verde: una nueva fase de expansión capitalista
June 03 2012
The Green economy: a new stage of capitalist expansion What is really being sought in this green corporative economy is to deepen the commodification, privatization, and financialization ... By Campaign No to the Green economyThematic Social Forum
Green China: Chinese insights on environment and development
June 02 2012
Green China: Chinese insights on environment and development The global interconnections between energy, climate change, and land and water use mean that everyone has an interest in seeing ... By International Institute for Environment and Development

Eventos > Multi-themes Ver todos >

January 22 2012
“Rising Powers” and the Future of Global Governance The global crisis poses a challenge to the continued global hegemony of the West and its neoliberal mode of capitalism. By Research Network on Global Governance and the Emerging Global SouthUniversity of Sussex
January 11 2012
Fifth World Future Energy Summit In 2012, WFES will concentrate on energy innovation in policy implementation, technology development, finance and ... By World Future Energy Summit
January 10 2012
ICLEI World Congress 2012 The program for ICLEI World Congress 2012 will be based on ICLEI’s eight strategic goals and will showcase the vast work of ... By ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainibility
January 09 2012
Workshop “Thematic Priority ‘Innovation and Youth’ – Key to Success at Rio+20?!” “Innovation for Sustainable Development” has been introduced recently by Brazilian government as additional thematic priority ... By International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges