Proposals > Agriculture and agricultural production systems < Volver

Agroecología: única esperanza para la soberanía alimentaria y la resiliencia socioecológica
June 08 2012
The scaling up of agroecology: spreading the hope for food sovereignty and resiliency There is no doubt that humanity needs an alternative agricultural development paradigm, one that encourages more ... By Clara NichollsLatin American Scientific Society of AgroecologyMiguel Altieri
Hacia el futuro que queremos: erradicación del hambre y transición a sistemas agrícolas y alimentarios sostenibles
June 02 2012
End hunger and make the transition to sustainable agricultural and food systems The transition to a sustainable future requires fundamental changes in the governance of food and agriculture and an equitable ... By FAO
La Revolución Agroecológica de América Latina: rescatar la naturaleza, asegurar la soberanía alimentaria y empoderar al campesino
May 31 2012
The agroecological revolution in Latin America: rescuing nature, ensuring food sovereignty ... Agroecology is providing the scientific, methodological and technological basis for a new ‘agrarian revolution’ worldwide. By Miguel AltieriVictor Toledo
Espace rural petites et moyennes collectivités et gouvernance mondiale
February 03 2012
Rural Areas and World Governance It is clear that rural areas’ long-term prosperity will be far easier to achieve if urban areas themselves succeed in ... By Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human ProgressMatthieu Calame
The Voice of Children and Youth for Rio+20
January 04 2012
The Voice of Children and Youth for Rio+20 We are the next generation of decision-makers and we stand for action and change. Therefore, we pledge the following commitments ... By 2011 Tunza International Youth and Children Conference
ETC Group Submission to Rio+20 -- Tackling Technology: Three Proposals for Rio
January 02 2012
Tackling Technology: Three Proposals Rio+20 offers a real opportunity to strengthen democracy and peoples’ participation within the UN system, and to take ... By ETC Group