Documents > Americas < Volver

Posicionamiento de la sociedad civil de América Latina y el Caribe sobre Río+20 y la economía verde
June 22 2012
Statement of Civil Society in Latin American and the Caribbean on Rio+20 The imposition of the green economy in Latin America and the Caribbean will be going far behind the achievements of the ... By Meeting for a transformative agenda in Rio+20 and beyond
La Sostenibilidad del Desarrollo a 20 Años de la Cumbre para la Tierra
June 08 2012
Sustainable Development 20 Years on from the Earth Summit This report, written from the Latin American and Caribbean perspective, describes the progress made and the gaps that remain ... By Cepal
How people living in extreme poverty view the term sustainable development
June 06 2012
How people living in extreme poverty view the term sustainable development Synthesis of interviews carried out with families living in extreme poverty in Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Brazil ... By ATD Fourth World
Ethics in Concordian economics
February 19 2012
Ethics in Concordian economics Ethics is a fundamental construct of the theory of distribution of ownership rights and this theory lies at the very core of ... By Carmine Gorga
Socioeconomic Democracy and Sustainable Development
February 03 2012
Socioeconomic Democracy and Sustainable Development Socioeconomic Democracy is a theoretically consistent and practically implementable socioeconomic system wherein there ... By Center for the Study of Democratic SocietiesRobley E. George
Wealth, power and the future of the planet
December 11 2011
Wealth, power and the future of the planet Concentration of wealth is unjust and confers undue advantage to those who then use this wealth primarily to usurp the ... By International Forum on GlobalizationJack Santa Barbara
Caminos y descaminos hacia una Biocivilización
December 09 2011
Tracks and Sidetracks for Biocivilization Thinking the basis of a new civilization and becoming part of the long process of social dismantlement and of reconstruction ... By Cândido Grzybowski
A ilusão de uma economia verde
November 17 2011
The Illusion of a Green Economy To ensure production of the goods necessary for life, in a way which neither stresses nor degrades nature, something more than the ... By Leonardo Boff
Rio2012: América Latina rechaza el polémico principio de la “economía verde”
October 22 2011
Rio2012: Latin America defends sustainability and rejects “green economy” Following three days of deliberations, the representatives examined the gaps still remaining since the 1992 Earth Summit for ... By Editorial Team
Rio+20: Resisting market environmentalism and strengthening rights and social-environmental justice
August 19 2011
Rio+20: Resisting market environmentalism and strengthening rights and ... Rio+20 therefore, has the potential to be a moment to, at the same time, assess the successes and failures of the past two decades ... By Federation of Organism for Social Help and Education