Proposals > Africas @en < Volver

Agroecología: única esperanza para la soberanía alimentaria y la resiliencia socioecológica
June 08 2012
The scaling up of agroecology: spreading the hope for food sovereignty and resiliency There is no doubt that humanity needs an alternative agricultural development paradigm, one that encourages more ... By Clara NichollsLatin American Scientific Society of AgroecologyMiguel Altieri
Reclaiming Rights at Rio: CSO Consultation to the African Agenda in the Rio+20 Summit
June 05 2012
Reclaiming Rights at Rio: CSO Consultation to the African Agenda in the Rio+20 Summit We remind that the people of Africa look up to them as defenders of their rights and expect them to ensure Rio+20 outcome ... By IBON InternationalRights for Sustainability Initiative
Repensar y construir una Nueva Gobernanza Mundial
May 14 2012
Rethinking and changing world governance The key questions that could guide us are: What are the alternatives for building a new governance architecture? How do we create them? By Cândido GrzybowskiForum for a New World GovernanceGustavo MarinRicardo Jimenez
Declaration on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Natural Resources Governance
April 23 2012
Resolution on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Natural Resources Governance The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights reaffirms that States should place natural resources governance under ... By African Commission on Human and People’s Rights
The Post-Durban and Rio+20 Civil Society Organizations Preparatory Workshop
March 17 2012
The Post-Durban and Rio+20 Civil Society Organizations Preparatory Workshop We declare we must ensure that actions towards green economy do not increase social inequalities and that revenues generated out ... By Pan African Climate Justice Alliance
The Green Future for Sustainable Development in Africa
February 12 2012
The Green Future for Sustainable Development in Africa We, African youth, meeting within the network called Pan Africa International Development and the Environment in the 21st ... By Pan Africa International Development and the Environment in the 21st Century
Rio2012 through the lens of the Arab Spring
November 22 2011
Rio2012 through the lens of the Arab Spring Steps should be taken to ensure that the ‘Green Economy’ concept does not become a step backwards from the initial commitments ... By Arab NGO Network for Development