Thematic axis
2011 Tunza International Youth and Children Conference African Commission on Human and People’s Rights African Local Summit African Youth Initiative on Climate Change Alejandro Chanona Alternative World Water Forum Anil Naidoo Anna Peterson Annual African Governance Days Arab Academy for Science & Technology Arab NGO Network for Development Ariel Salleh Arnaud Blin Ashish Kothari Ashwani Vasishth Asia-Pacific Research Network Asian Pacific Research Network Asian Youth Citizens Assembly Association Plural World Association Sherpa ATD Fourth World Barbara Adams Barbara Unmüßig Ben Knight Bolivian platform on Climate change Brazilian Civil Society Facilitating Committee for Rio+20 Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analyses (Ibase) Brian K. Murphy Campaign against Canadian Mega Resource Extraction Canadian Environmental Network Cândido Grzybowski Carbon Disclosure Project Carmine Gorga Catholic Committee for Hunger and Development Center for the Study of Democratic Societies Cepal Charles J. Kibert Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human Progress Charter of the Peoples of the Earth Christi Electris Citizens for Europe Civicus Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Clara Nicholls Coalition of Indonesian organizations Collective of Civil society NGOs Collective of women organizations Collective Paris+20 Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Confederation of Resources for Global Democracy Consumers International Convergence of Movements of the Peoples of the Americas Council of Canadians Crossroads Film Festival Dara Parker David Bollier David Held Dunfei Chen Earth Policy Institute Earth system science partnership Ecuador Edgardo Lander Editorial Team Elizabeth A. Stanton Energy Cities Esther Vivas ETC Group Europa-Third World Center European Economic and Social Commitee FAO Federal Coordination of Internationalismus Federation of Organism for Social Help and Education Floating Forum for Sustainable Development Forum for a New World Governance Forum of Ethics and Responsibilities Forum of Global Associations of Regions French Collective Rio+20 French National Congress of Sustainable Development Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Friends of the Earth Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean George Monbiot Germà Pelayo German Development Institute Glenn Ashton Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities against REDD and for Life Global Citizens for Sustainable Development Global Forest Coalition Global Scenario Group Global Transition 2012 Globe International GRAIN Grassroots Global Justice Great Transition Initiative Green Economy Coalition Gretchen Luchsinger Gus Speth Gustavo Marin Helene Finidori IBON International ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainibility Immanuel Wallerstein Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities of ASEAN Initiative for Equality Initiative on International Environmental Governance Institute for Studies in Happiness Economy and Society Institute of Superior Studies in Social Communications Intercontinental network for the promotion of the social solidarity economy International Alliance of Inhabitants International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development International Collegium International Council for Adult Education International council for science International Forum on Globalization International Institute for Environment and Development International Labour Organization International Trade Union Confederation Jack Santa Barbara Jacklyn Cock Jean Rossiaud Jeffrey Sachs Jim Thomas John Anugraha John Helliwell Juan Somavia Jubilee South Americas Julian Waters-Lynch Konrad Otto-Zimmermann Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology Latindadd Leida Rijnhout Leonardo Boff Leslie Thiele Lester R. Brown London School of Economics and Political Science LSX Occupy: Energy Equity and Environment Group Lucinda Hartley Martha Monroe Martin Khor Matthieu Calame Mediterranean Citizens Assembly Meera Karunananthan Meeting for a transformative agenda in Rio+20 and beyond Michael Narberhaus Miguel Altieri Ministry of Ecology Transport and Sustainable Development Ministry of European and Foreign affairs My City+20 National Road To Rio+20 Campaign Sri Lanka Nele Marien Network of Regional Governements for Sustainable Development New Economics Foundation Campaign No to the Green economy Northern Alliance for Sustainibility Occupy Wall Street Movement Oilwatch Olivier Hoedeman Oriana Suárez Orion Kriegman Pablo Solón Pambazuka News Pamela Pezzati Pan Africa International Development and the Environment in the 21st Century Pan African Climate Justice Alliance Paraguay Patrick Bond Paul Krugman Paul Quintos Paul Raskin People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty People's Assemblies Network People's Summit on Climate Change COP20 Peoples Summit Rio+20 People's Sustainability Treaties Permacyclists Planet Under Pressure Plurinational State of Bolivia Rasigan Maharajh Reflection Group Regions United Research Network on Global Governance and the Emerging Global South Ricardo Jimenez Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz Richard Layard Richard Rosen Rights for Sustainability Initiative Rio Plus Twenties Rio+20 – Nachhaltig vor Ort Rio+20 Education Group Rio+20 Migrations Work Group Robert Bissio Robley E. George Royal Government of Bhutan Safira de la Sala Saliem Fakir Sascha Gabizon Science Po Silke Helfrich Smart Civil Society Organisations Social Europe Journal Social Movements Assembly Social Watch South African Civil Society Information Service Stakeholder Forum Stella Joy Stockholm Environment Institute Sunita Narain Sustain labour Tara Joy Tellus Institute the Earth Institute The Energy and Resources Institute Thematic Group on Commons Thematic Social Forum Third World Network Third World Network-Africa Tord Björk Transnational Institute TransOceanic Wind Transport Trust for community outreach and education Uchita de Zoysa UN Habitat UN Non-governmental liaison service Unctad XIII civil society Forum UNEP United Cities and Local Governments United Earth United Nations United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 University of Sussex US and Canada Citizen's Summit for Sustainable Development Via Campesina Victor Toledo Vinod Raina Working Group on Climate Change and Development World Forum of Free Medias World Forum of Vocational and Technological Education World Forum on Education World Future Energy Summit World March of Women World movement for Forests World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth World Social Forum 2013 World Social Forum on Health World Summit of Legislators World Sustainable Development Forum World Watch Institute Yash Tandon Youth European Conference 2012