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Perfil de Friends of the United Nations

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Friends of the United Nations


Friends of the United Nations

Breve apresentação

Friends of the United Nations is an independent, non-partisan organization dedicated to increasing awareness of the United Nations’ activities. We work with educational institutions, corporations, the media and entertainment industries, and other organizations to inform and educate people about the UN’s efforts on behalf of peace, human rights, the environment, children and responsible development.

Humanity stands at the crossroads. As environmental change accelerates, we, the internaonal community, must accelerate our actions! We must advance faster on the path
to sustainable development.

As the world confronts its most compelling environmental challenges ever, we need to heighten public awareness of the stakes involved, personally and universally, and to promote a gathering sense of urgency and inspiration for effective action.

FOUN is producing a global television event, ENGAGE!, to coincide with Rio+20.



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