- InformationLa communauté Rio+20 constitue un espace d''interaction directe entre les participants du processus Rio+20 à travers des groupes de débats, forums, chat et contenus partagés. La navigation dans la communauté est ouverte. Pour y participer activement, nous vous invitons à vous inscrire.
Agenda Mars 2025 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Toutes les activités - Axes Thématiques
- Droits de l'homme, Peuples, territoires et défense de la Terre-Mère
- Fondamentaux éthiques et philosophiques: subjectivité, domination et émancipation
- Production, distribution et consommation: accès aux richesses, biens communs et économie de transition
- Sujets politiques, architecture du pouvoir et démocratie

posté il y a 12 années 4 mois Josh Taoko became a registered member
- En afficher d'avantage
Hello Dear… (nelldear@yahoo.com) is my email
My name is Miss Nelly ,I wish i could get to know you for it is my pleasure to have you as my friend for a friend is all about Respect,Admiration and Passion also friendship consist sharing of ideas and showing true love without cheats,lies and betrayal and i have this feelings to share with you, i believe that you are the type of one that i want in my life for a serious relationship,i want you to know that age, race,and religion is not important to me all that is important to me is pure love,waiting to hear from you i will send you my picture please reach me at (nelldear@yahoo.com), sorry i could not upload my picture here, but i well send you some as soon as i read from you, Have a beautiful day thanks,
(nelldear@yahoo.com) Miss Nelly.